Lose Weight By Eating

Stop Calling Yourself Fat (it causes weight gain!)

Audrey Johns Season 1 Episode 12

Did you know that when you say "I look fat" you might actually be causing weight gain?! I know that sounds crazy, but I have medical studies to back it up!

In this episode I will challenge you to stop saying negative things about yourself. Give you tips to start speaking kinder to yourself, and even talk about the medical research behind both negative and positive words you use on yourself.

Be sure to check out my "The One Day Diet" podcast where I go over more about self love and being kinder to yourself with author Wendy Pierson here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2312717/14880021 

Music from #Uppbeat License code: VGAZRTWC9AXKP9VB

You can find my Weight Loss Cookbooks here: https://loseweightbyeating.com/cookbook/

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